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Showing posts with the label chronic illness

21 Easy (and Cozy) Self Care Ideas to Practice this Winter

Now that winter is making days shorter, colder and darker, it's more important than ever to make self care part of …

24 Things Everyone Should Do Before Turning 24

This month, I turn 24 years old...and while I don’t have a ton of free time to reflect on what that means (hello grad s…

9 Things People With Celiac Disease Wish Loved Ones Would Say More Often

Even though celiac awareness is thankfully higher than it used to be, people still often misunderstand how serious celi…

Please Know What Celiac Disease Is Not

When you have celiac disease, you spend a good amount of your time explaining what celiac disease is and what you can e…

To the Comics that Paint Gluten Free Eaters as "Annoying" or "High Maintenance"

When you have dietary restrictions, it's a pretty normal experience for other people to comment on the foods you do…

The Real Reasons I Blog About Living with Chronic Illness, Celiac Disease and Fibromyalgia

Why do I blog about living with celiac disease and fibromyalgia? It's a fair question. After all, my identity is  not

11 Things People with Fibromyalgia Do That Seem High Maintenance But Really Aren't

When you have fibromyalgia, life can be a little...unique. Simple activities or chores that other people do without a s…