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Showing posts with the label vegan dessert

47 Gluten Free Sweet and Savory Recipes for Cooking with Kids

If you're like a lot of families right now, you're spending more time together than you have in a while...which…

Super Fudgy Banana Paleo Brownies (Vegan, Gluten Free)

I don’t know when I first learned that “stressed” backward spells “desserts,” but I do know that gluten free brownies a…

Chocolate Peanut Butter Protein Brownies (Gluten Free, Vegan)

Now that I'm into my last semester of grad school and my schedule is packed with activities (and let's be real …

55 Healthy Gluten Free Dessert Recipes for the Holidays

Now that Thanksgiving has passed , it's socially acceptable to fully embrace alll the holiday spirit...and all the h…

Triple Chocolate Protein Mug Cake (Gluten Free, Vegan, Oil Free)

If you lived with me as a roommate, it'd only take you a few days to figure out: 1) my crazy work schedule means al…

15 Healthier Gluten Free Desserts for Summer

Since summer is right around the corner and it's officially the start of Celiac Awareness Month this May, I thought…