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19 Solo Self Care Activities to Help You Beat the Winter Blues

Even if you don't usually struggle with the Winter Blues, 2020 has been a trying year for many...and that makes finding new self care ideas and regularly practicing plenty of self care activities even more important. Keeping in mind the Coronavirus pandemic and the fact that many people are having to spend more alone time than usual, I wanted to share 19 science-backed self care activities you can do on your own to beat the Winter Blues!

Need help beating the winter blues or spicing up your #selfcare routine? Check out these 19 science-backed self care ideas for your #mentalhealth.

So whether you're having a hard time lately or would benefit from some fun Self Care Sunday ideas to spruce up your usual routine, I hope this post gives you some new ideas for self care to try!

Self Care Activity #1: Listen to a podcast.

I don't know about you, but I didn't realize how much my mostly introverted self relied on small moments of socialization until I didn't get the chance to talk to people regularly anymore. One of the ways I've been coping is by listening to even more podcasts than usual - especially ones with very talkative, casual hosts like Karen Kilgariff and Georgia Hardstark on My Favorite Murder. Although you obviously don't need to be a true crime love me, I'd encourage you to explore the podcasts out there and see if any resonate!

Self Care Activity #2: Take a bubble bath.

If you have chronic pain like I do, soaking with Epsom salts may make a BIG difference in how your body feels...and how YOU feel as a result! And even if you don't soak with Epsom salts, studies have found that bathing instead of showering can help people feel less stressed, less anxious and even less depressed. 

Self Care Activity #3: Learn a TikTok (or YouTube) dance.

I definitely am not a skilled dancer...but I have been dabbling with TikTok and even tried out some YouTube dance tutorials when I need some cheering up. And even if you're not a good dancer, attempting some smooth moves can be a fun challenge!

Need help beating the winter blues or spicing up your #selfcare routine? Check out these 19 science-backed self care ideas for your #mentalhealth.

Self Care Activity #4: Watch a funny TV show.

And related to bad dance skills...laughter has been shown to increase endophines, reduce stress, and even improve your immune system and your mood long-term.

Self Care Activity #5: Make a list of 5 traits you love about yourself.

Easier said than done some days...but since gratitude can drastically improve your mental health, the hard work is worth it! Keep in mind that these traits don't have to be limited to physical appearance or personality. You can also love what you accomplished that day or even that you got through a challenging week!

Self Care Activity #6: Prepare yourself a special meal and eat without multitasking.

I'm 1000% guilty of NOT following my own advice with this one as I'm famous for my my multitasking and eating habits...but if you do have the opportunity to spend some extra time nourishing your body with a yummy meal and not being distracted by work or your phone while eating it...do it!

Need help beating the winter blues or spicing up your #selfcare routine? Check out these 19 science-backed self care ideas for your #mentalhealth.

Self Care Activity #7: Create a cute holiday decoration for your home.

2020 has definitely made holidays feel less cheery and more challenging for me than normal...and if you can relate, maybe it's time to get in the crafting mood. Even if you don't create a decoration that's worthy of hanging up every year, crafting can reduce stress, boost happiness and even protect your brain from damage caused by aging!

Self Care Activity #8: Swear it out.

Fun fact: dropping some curse words can help you feel less anxious, more energized and more happy. (Thank you, endorphins and serotonin). And if you're alone...well, a little cursing never hurt anybody. 

Self Care Activity #9: Try a new workout - or an old favorite.

Even if you can't go to the gym right now (personally, my gym has been closed for the third time during this pandemic for the undetermined future), there are still plenty of home-bound - and FREE - ways you can move your body! Check out some of my favorite free fitness apps and YouTube channels here. 

Need help beating the winter blues or spicing up your #selfcare routine? Check out these 19 science-backed self care ideas for your #mentalhealth.

Self Care Activity #10: Experiment with a new hobby.

If there was ever a year to pick up a new hobby, 2020 is it! Now that it's getting dark outside earlier, experiment with indoor hobbies like making jewelry, writing, knitting, putting together puzzles...whatever sounds like something fun.

Self Care Activity #11: Plan out future adventures with friends.

There may be a lot of limits on what we can do in the near future, but that doesn't mean we can't enjoy planning adventures to partake in with friends once it's safe! And since having strong friendships can increase your sense of belonging, help you cope better with challenging situations (hellooo, global pandemic) and improve your self-worth, this daydreaming and planning has real benefits. 

Self Care Activity #12: Create a personalized mantra.

You've probably heard about the power of affirmations and mantras before...but if you want to get all of their benefits, don't just choose a mantra at random. Consider what goals you want to achieve in the near future and what mantra will give you the motivation to make it happen!

Self Care Activity #13: Take a walk.

They don't call it the "good outdoors" for nothing! So if weather permits, (safely) go on a solo walk.

Need help beating the winter blues or spicing up your #selfcare routine? Check out these 19 science-backed self care ideas for your #mentalhealth.

Self Care Activity #14: Turn your dining room table into your personal cafe.

If you're missing spending your days in local coffee shops, replicate the experience at home! What's your favorite part of hitting up a coffee shop? The fancy drinks? The awesome music? Do your best to create an at-home version of your favorite parts by looking up coffee tutorials on YouTube or blasting some coffee shop music in the background while you work from home.

Self Care Activity #15: Take a photo - of anything - and share it.

Did you know that regularly taking and sharing photos can actually boost your mental health, regardless of what those photos feature? One study reports that regularly sharing photos gave people a sense of routine, community and connection to their surroundings.

Self Care Activity #16: Upgrade your sleeping routine.

Good sleep = a much better day. If you're struggling to get all the rest you need, play around with optimizing your bedroom. Some of my favorite sleeping "secret weapons" are black-out curtains, extra coughy jammies, a weighted blanket and soothing-scented oil or candle.

Need help beating the winter blues or spicing up your #selfcare routine? Check out these 19 science-backed self care ideas for your #mentalhealth.

Self Care Activity #17: Buy and care for a houseplant!

Not only do houseplants add a spot of color to any room, but they can also brighten up your mood. One 2015 study found that having indoor houseplants can lower people's blood pressure and increase the sense of calm. Plus, caring for your plants can be a fun new hobby to try!

Self Care Activity #18: Trade the morning news for the comics or your favorite book.

Especially nowadays, you probably rarely leave the morning news feeling better than when before you watched it. So if you're constantly starting your day on a negative note, trade the morning news for a morning social media detox or your favorite book or comic. 

Self Care Activity #19: Set aside a few hours to do absolutely...nothing.

Because sometimes, that's all you really need.

The Bottom Line: Self-Care Ideas To Fight the Winter Blues

Whatever this winter looks like for you, I hope that you make time for some of these self care activities and remember to prioritize your physical AND mental health. 

Need help beating the winter blues or spicing up your #selfcare routine? Check out these 19 science-backed self care ideas for your #mentalhealth.

And be sure to let me know in the comments what self care activities are your favorite lately, especially if they arent already on this list! 

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