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What to do with a newborn baby

What to do with a newborn baby
newborn baby

Caring for the newborn 24 hours a day can turn your life upside down. Use these practical strategies to manage the new stress in your life.

A newborn can bring a swirl of activity and emotion into your life - and also a lot of stress and fatigue. Whether you're a first-time a parent or already have the experience, keep these 10 practical tips to keep stress under control.

1. Take care

Resist the temptation to consider caffeine as an important food group or a substitute for sleep.

Instead, follow a healthy diet, drink plenty of water and get some fresh air. Sleep when the baby sleeps and try to arrange a night schedule with your partner that allows both of you to rest and take care of the baby. A good habit will help you maintain the energy you need to care for your newborn.

2. Establish visiting rules

Friends and loved ones can appear from anywhere to admire your newborn. Let them know which days are best to come and how much time you have for the visit.

He insists that visitors wash their hands before holding the baby and asks those who are sick to stay at home.

Let trusted visits take care of the baby while giving yourself a well-deserved rest.

3. Let things flow

Allow enough time each day for breastfeeding sessions, naps, and crying episodes. When you need to leave, give yourself extra time to pack your supplies and make that inevitable last-minute diaper change.

4. Prepare to feel a roller coaster of emotion

You could go from worshiping your baby and marveling with his little fingers and toes to regret your loss of independence and worry about your ability to care for a newborn, all in the space of an hour.

Most likely, you and your partner are also tired and anxious.

To help you stay connected, talk about what bothers you, such as a tight budget or difficulty calming the baby. A shared laugh could help lighten the mood.

5. Softens the demands

For the moment, leave the fluff where they are. Store clean clothes in the laundry basket - or leave it stacked on the floor - until you need it. Clean the bathroom with a new damp cloth. When you are very tired to prepare a more traditional meal, serve cold cereals and toast with peanut butter for dinner.

6. Leave the house

If you're going crazy because the baby is upset, take him for a walk. If you can, leave it with someone you trust to take care of it for a while.

7. Accept help from others

If your family and friends offer you help, accept it. Suggest that they carry the baby, fold clean clothes or help you with shopping, depending on what is most useful for you.

8. Cultivate other relationships

Your newborn needs your love and attention, but you will not disappoint your baby if you spend time with other people.

If you have other children, reserve some time with each of them. Schedule appointments with your partner. Meet with a friend for lunch or to watch a movie.

9. Keep things in perspective

The days after birth will not last long. Reflect and value the moment, even in the midst of chaos.

10. Know when you should seek additional help

A parent is a challenge, even on a good day. If you feel depressed or have trouble adjusting to life with a newborn, consult your health care provider or a mental health provider.

Learning to manage the new stress in your life can help you enjoy the wealth that parenting has to offer.

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