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21 Holiday Movie Quotes that (Hilariously) Describe Life with Celiac Disease

Ready for some ho-ho-humor? Today's post is all about what living with celiac disease is actually like...with some help from some hilariously accurate holiday movie quotes!

What is life really like with #celiacdisease or eating #glutenfree? Find out with some hilarious help from 21 classic #holiday movies! #chronicillness

If you have celiac disease, I hope this blog post makes you chuckle and feel less alone, despite the "quirks" that celiac disease triggers in our behavior and our daily life. And if you don't have celiac disease or you know someone who would benefit from learning more about it, I hope this post acts as a humorous but educational resource for what daily life with celiac disease is actually!

And if you wanna put a Christmas movie on in the background while you read this post...well, that sounds like a match made in holiday heaven to me! ;) 

1. "You sit on a throne of lies." - Elf

What our intestines say when we eat a product that's "gluten free"...and they disagree.

2. "I didn't come here to make an impression on anybody, I just came here to blow every last cent I had." - Last Holiday

Us when we find a 100% gluten free bakery.

What is life really like with #celiacdisease or eating #glutenfree? Find out with some hilarious help from 21 classic #holiday movies! #chronicillness

3. "Bless this highly nutritious microwavable macaroni and cheese dinner and the people who sold it on sale." - Home Alone

4. "What happened to the hickory honey ham?" - Christmas with the Kranks

Get yo' hands off our GF food!

5. "Well, like I said, Most Interesting Girl Award." - The Holiday

Us, explaining our dietary restrictions to a new friend.

6. Louis: "Looking good, Billy Ray!"

Billy Ray: “Feeling good, Louis!" - Trading Places

The magic (at least, eventually) of going gluten free after a celiac disease diagnosis!

What is life really like with #celiacdisease or eating #glutenfree? Find out with some hilarious help from 21 classic #holiday movies! #chronicillness

7. "We elves try to stick to the four main food groups: candy, candy canes, candy corns and syrup." - Elf

Them: "What CAN you eat?!?" Us: "Meat, vegetables, beans, non-gluten grains..."

8.  "Look, Charlie Brown, let’s face it. We all know that Christmas is a big commercial racket. It’s run by a big eastern syndicate, you know." - A Charlie Brown Christmas

What people say when they think eating gluten free is just a fad diet.

9. "Why look here—changing from bad to good’s as easy as taking your first step…Put one foot in front of the other…" - Santa Claus is Coming to Town

And start eating gluten free one day at a time, after a celiac disease diagnosis!

10. Yukon Cornelius: "This fog’s as thick as peanut butter!"
Hermey: "You mean pea soup."
Yukon Cornelius: "You eat what you like, and I’ll eat what I like!" - Rudolph The Red-Nosed Reindeer

Always a good motto to follow when you live and socialize with gluten-eaters.

What is life really like with #celiacdisease or eating #glutenfree? Find out with some hilarious help from 21 classic #holiday movies! #chronicillness

11. "I believe, I believe. It’s silly but I believe." - Miracle on 34th Street

That there will - one day - be universal awareness and understanding of celiac disease. 

12. "You did good, kid." - The Family Stone

When our family or friends surprise us with a freakin' delicious GF treat.

13. "Worse?! How could things get any worse? Take a look around you, Ellen! We're at the threshold of hell!!" - National Lampoon's Christmas Vacation

When we get glutened....

14. "Don't be a cotton-headed ninny muggins." - Elf

When people ask if we can just take one bite.

What is life really like with #celiacdisease or eating #glutenfree? Find out with some hilarious help from 21 classic #holiday movies! #chronicillness

15.  Charlie: "What’d it feel like, Dad?"
Scott Calvin: "It felt like America’s Most Wanted." - The Santa Clause

When we ask our gluten-eating friends and family what the latest gluten-filled food we're drooling over tastes like.

16. "Why am I such a misfit? I am not just a nitwit. Just because my nose glows... why don't I fit in?" -  Rudolph The Red-Nosed Reindeer

Anyone who has celiac disease or another chronic illness knows about these kinda lonely days...

17. "We're not just doing this for us. We're doing it for the kids." - Jingle All the Way 

We're working to spread celiac awareness now...to create a better later!

17. "Put that cookie down!" - Jingle All the Way

If we pay extra for a GF cookie, you better bet we'll protect our claim.

What is life really like with #celiacdisease or eating #glutenfree? Find out with some hilarious help from 21 classic #holiday movies! #chronicillness

19. "I could use a little social interaction." - The Grinch

When we're asked to join friends eating out at a restaurant with no gluten free options.

20. "Seeing is believing, but sometimes the most real things in the world are the things we can’t see." - The Polar Express

Us, explaining that invisible illnesses are no less real than visible chronic diseases.

21. "No man is a failure who has friends." - It’s a Wonderful Life

To all the people who support us and love us with our celiac quirks...you're the real MVPs of the holiday season!

The Bottom Line: What It's Like to Live with Celiac Disease

Living with celiac disease can be complicated, and it can be challenging to explain to others everything that eating gluten free and thriving with chronic illness requires. But the next time you need help spreading some celiac awareness, I hope this blog post comes in handy! 

What is life really like with #celiacdisease or eating #glutenfree? Find out with some hilarious help from 21 classic #holiday movies! #chronicillness

Because if there's one gift anyone can give someone with celiac disease, it's empathy and understanding...and hopefully these movie quotes can trigger exactly that!

Which of these holiday movie quotes hits closest to home with you?!? Or what's your fave Christmas movie? Let me know in the comments!

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