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Showing posts with the label Health

Attitude and Aptitude

The difference between attitude and aptitude lies in what attitude refers to the temperament of a person in certain sit…

The Importance of good Mental Health in early Childhood (and throughout life)

It is necessary for parents to know what is mental health in early childhood (as in any stage of life) and is that only…

The importance of sport for children's health

Most beneficial sports and sports discouraged for children Healthy lifestyles are the main determinants of children'…

Functions of Welfare State

Health was defined by the World Health Organization (WHO) in 1948 as a "state of physical, mental and social well-…

Kefir, The old Food that became Fashionable and its Health Benefits

In recent years milk and its derivatives have been demonized. They have been attributed, without a scientific basis, to…

17 "Weird" Requests That Help People Thrive with Celiac Disease

One of the most empowering things about having celiac disease, at least in my opinion, is that our health is largely un…

5 Surprisingly Awesome Things About Having Celiac Disease

When you learn you have celiac disease, you might initially focus on the things you lose, like the ability to eat glute…

What You Can Do About Health Trick Starting in the Next 20 Minutes

In the last phase, all patients will get absolutely free medical care. After six months of maintaining a Mediterranean …